Version 0.32
Submitted by: Wildman
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About Yape:
The user interface isn't yet ready, so you MUST memorise a couple
of keyboard shortcuts:
F12 or ESCAPE : exits the emulator
F11 : soft reset
LCTRL + F11 : forced reset (memory remains intact)
SHIFT + F11 : hard reset (clear memory, reloads ROMs, rewinds tape)
F5 : press PLAY on tape
F6 : press STOP on tape
F9 : quick debugger
F10 : save current settings
LALT + G : display frame rate on/off
LALT + J : toggle joystick emulation (via crsr keys)
LALT + I : switch emulated jostick port
LALT + S : force frame rate to 50 MHz (original speed)
Internal disk LOAD/SAVE operations are supported to the current
file system directory. This means that an exact filename match will load
the requested program, similarly can you save a file.
Full ROM banking is supported, currently only via the yape.ini configuration
file. You must fill in the path for the relevant ROM image you intend to use.
However, Yape supports some internal ROMs already. These are:
- 'BASIC' - the ROM image containing the BASIC interpreter
- 'KERNAL' - the system kernal ROM image
- '3PLUS1LOW' - the low bank ROM image of the built-in plus/4 software
- '3PLUS1HIGH' - the high bank ROM image of the built-in plus/4 software
Unfortunately all X11 servers map the keys at different positions, so your
mileage may vary. I have yet no info on how to solve this issue.
There are several keys that need to be mapped to the emulator keyboard
differently. These are:
Commodore emulator
Pound = END
Clr/Home = HOME
Yape features:
- full, cycle exact MOS 7501 CPU emulation
- almost full TED 7360 chip emulation
- full ROM banking
- almost full tape emulation
- joystick emulation via cursor keys
- color palette based on original Commodore specs
- PRG and TAP file format support
- fake disk LOAD/SAVE to the file system
http://plus4.emuviews.com : Yape homepage
http://plus4.emucamp.com : Commodore 16/+4 ClassiX (games, tape images, scans etc.)
http://c64.rulez.org : Commodore plus/4 mail list and FTP archive
http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/cbm/plus4 : Hardware info, ROMs, programs
Details about this version: (no information provided)
Intel (BeOS 5) (90.5K)