Sonic Action
Version 0.4b
Submitted by: Wildman
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About Sonic Action:
Eggman decided make a change in his
strategy: before try to conquer the world,
he'll try to kill Sonic, and avoid him
defeating his plans again. So he decided to
create the Ultimate Weapon... Eggman has
kidnaped to Amy, and converted her in a
mortal killing-machine, which only
objective in her life is kill to Sonic.
She's the Dark Amy. Dark Amy will try to
steal the seven Chaos Emeralds for become
Super Dark Amy, the Ultimate Weapon, and
then kill to Sonic... Sonic must choice
between his life and then the destruction
of the world, or Amy's life, his love...
What will he do?
Details about this version: (no information provided)
x86, BeOS (1.3M)