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Version 0.4.2
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  Submitted by: Wildman

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About Flush:

January, 25th 1999

Xingo is happy to bring you Flush, the fisrt standalone Flash player for BeOS.

Flush is under GPL, see COPYING file.
Don't forget to read the original README

Flush is a BeOS port of the Flash Plugin for Linux Version 0.4.2
Both implmentations are still in beta, but you can already enjoy most of the features
alowed by the Flash format see further down for details.

You can find Flush's main page at http://www.xingo.com/Flush
You will fine new releases of flush there, aswell as other anouncement and products.

The main page for the original linux project can be found at
The Author and maintainer is Olivier debon mailto:odebon@club-internet.fr.

Flush curently runs as a replicant for R4 x86, but we will provide PPC binaries too in a near future.
Of course we will do our best to make Flush a standard plug-in for all browsers that will have
a plugin architecture, a good project in perspective.

The sources will be provided in a separate archive, as soon as it gets completly
integrated into the main source tree, this shouldn't take too long.
During this period, if you want to help in the development of Flush you are welcome
to send a mail to flushdev@xingo.com for getting the latest source tree.

you are welcome to send any comments, suggestions, to mailto:flush@xingo.com


Flash Plugin for Linux original Author & maintainer :
Olivier Debon
BeOS port :
Xavier Pianet mailto:xavier@xingo.com

Credits :
Olivier Debon
-who made all this possible, and for his feedback.

Scott Barta
- for making me modify the first version to make a replicant player

Brennan Young
- For pointing me to the right URL and for his support after the initial port.


Limitations :
- Does not rotate or reverse bitmaps (only positive X and Y scaling are supported).

Not functional :
- No Sound support.
- No Morphing.
- No alpha-blending.
- No anti-aliasing (before b0.4.2).


To install the replicant, just place it somewhere on you system, from then just drag and drop
flash files ( the BeOS recognize them with application/x-shockwave-flash as mime type ), you
can also modify the file-types preferences so that the tracker uses Flush to open flash movies
when you double click them (you actually don't have to do any thing, unless you have another
app that accept to open files of type application/x-shockwave-flash, thank's to Be).


If Flush crashes on opening a file send a url to this file (not the file) to

If you have rendering problem also report the url.

If the plugin does not seem to show anything or does not do what it
is supposed to do, please consider that the plugin does not support
all Flash 3.0 features. Anyway it tries to play it but may fail then.

Further development :

You can expect to see flush migrating to a plug-in for OPERA, Net+ and Bezilla, as soon
as thoses are made available (OPERA and Bezilla), or implement a plug-in API (Net+),
so stay tuned for any new releases...
The standalone player will stay alive in any case.

BeOS is a trademark of Be Inc.
Shockwave is a trademark of Macromedia

Latest Version

Details about this version:
(no information provided)

0.4.2, BeOS     (143.7K)

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