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  3D Morph
Version 1.10
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  Submitted by: Wildman

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About 3D Morph:

3D Morph for BeOS Intel
version 1.10
by Sylvain Tertois

Thank you for downloading this screen saver! To install it, just move the 3dMorph file in the 'Drag me here' folder.
3D Morph is Mailware! If you like it, or want to tell me anything, please send me an e-mail (sylvain@fairesuivre.fr).

To download new versions and/or 3D objects, go to http://www.becoz.org/beos

Have fun!!!

Thanks to Everyone who sent me an e-mail, and especially:
* Patrick
* Christian D. Lindemer for his help for the PPC version
* Ian Seyler
* Stephan Assmus
* Chrisitan Musil
* Joachim Seemer
* Christian Corona
* David Worsham
* Dennis Wolf
* Oliver Kohl
* Pavel Cisler
* Lars Schuenzel
For their support, suggestions, and bug reports.

You can copy and distribute 3DMorph as you want, as long as the original archive remains unchanged. In no event shall I be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Be and BeOs are registered trademarks of Be, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. Thank you for your attention. Dismissed.

Latest Version

Details about this version:
* corrected a small bug that could cause pixels to appear at the top or at the left of the screen
* new &squo;high density&squo; version, with more points

Intel (BeOS 5)     (249.1K)
Source Code     (1.2M)

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