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Version 0.011
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  Submitted by: Wildman

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About Solo:


Solo is a multi-user FTP server with a graphical interface and integration
with many of Be's features. It allows for the creation of users and the
setting up of rights for those users. You can also spy on what users are
doing and ban anyone from your site.

What works:

You can add users from the Users pane (the only working pane). Supply a
username, password, group (not used yet), root and home for the user and
click Add User to set them up. Don't worry about rights just yet, they
don't work. You can see who's online and what they're doing.

Root/Home info:

The user's root can be any directory on your filesystem. The user
cannot see above their root. This is very good for security. They
can't delete, add, upload, download anything beyond this point. Their
home directory is where the user starts. A good example of how to use
these attributes is to have a root say /boot/home/solo and each user's
home would be /boot/home/solo/foo.


Do not change the root or home in the edit user windows unless you are
sure the directory exists as Solo doesn't check.

Remove user does just that. It doesn't ask.

Latest Version

Details about this version:
(no information provided)

0.011, BeOS     (67.3K)
0.600, BeOS     (409.2K)

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