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Version 0.9.6
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About BamBam:

BamBam (BeOS Audio Master)
version 0.9.6

(c) 2000 Gertjan van Ratingen


BamBam is a freeware audio-recording and -editing tool.
It won a Masters Award at the August 1997 BeDC !

This program runs only on BeOS R5.
IT DOES NOT WORK WITH Windows 95/98/NT/2000
OR MacOS. It is not a golf game, either!

BamBam enables you to:

- monitor the audio input in a few different ways
- select input (CD, line in, microphone)
- record audio input (16bit, stereo, 44100 Hz)
- load AIFF, WAV and 8SVX samples (drag & drop also works)
- edit the sampledata (cut/copy/paste)
- play all or a range of the sampledata
- save (parts of) the data as an AIFF or WAV file
- apply some filters (reverse,clear,swap channels,change volume)
- convert between 8 and 16 bit, and between mono and stereo
- change the samplerate

This is, yes, still a beta version, i.e. it is pretty stable (at least
on my machine) and works pretty much as expected.

Quick manual

BamBam can be started like any other application by double-clicking
the BamBam icon.

Audio data can be loaded in four different ways:

1) select Open.. from the File menu, and select an audiofile;
2) drop an audiofile onto the main window;
3) drop 1 or more audiofiles on the bambam application-icon;
4) Select Record.. from the file menu, this will show the
record window. Record to RAM, and after recording is done,
the data will be shown in the main window.

Each loaded sample will have its own resizable window.
This window consists of five areas:
- a menubar (of course)
- a control area (with all the buttons)
- a message area
- a view of the sample itself
- a scrollbar

Most of these can be used without much help; only one remark here
about the two play-buttons at the top:
[|>] this plays the whole file
[>] this plays the visible data, or the range (if it's selected)

To select a range:
- click the mouse somewhere in the sampledata
- move until the desired area is highlighted
- release the mouse
(if the mouse hasn't moved, the insertpoint will be
placed there)

To adjust the insertpoint:
- drag the blue triangle just above the sampleview

To adjust a range:
- drag the red triangles (just above the sampleview)

Things to do with a range:
- play it
- Cut or Copy it
- apply Paste (it will be replaced with the Copy Buffer)
- apply some filter (reverse,volume,swap)

How to record something:
- select "Record..." from the File menu; this pops
up the record window.
- use Input menu to select CD, Line In, Microphone or DACStream
- use Draw menu to set displaymode
- the Delay menu lets you skip frames of the display,
to save some CPU.
- If you want to record direct to harddisk:
- use the "Set" button to enter a filename
- press the 'File' record button
- If you want to record to ram:
- select the number of seconds you need
- press the 'Ram' record button
After recording, a new window will be created.
Here you can play, edit and save the freshly recorded data.
- if "Edge trigger" is checked, recording won't start until some
sound is detected.

In version 0.8.6 the buffering has been improved.
When recording, the display will show coloured blocks for each buffer:
Orange: buffer is being filled with data;
Red: buffer full, ready to be written to disk or RAM;
Green: data has been written.

(NB: I made this just to test the buffering scheme, so no complaints
about ugly graphics, please :-)

Resampling all data can be done by selecting "Change Samplerate..."
from the Edit-menu. You will see two sliders; the upper one can be used
to adjust the samplerate (even while playing :-) and the bottom one
sets the new samplerate. When you hit the button "Resample", it does.

Markers (new in 0.8.2)

Just above the sampleview is a green bar, which shows markers as green triangles.

If you click on a marker (and keep the mousebutton down), it can be moved.
If you click elsewhere on the bar, a new marker will be placed there.
A marker can be removed by dragging it out of the bar.

When audiodata is cut or pasted, trailing markers will be moved as well,
to keep them with their original sampledata.

For now, only markers from AIFF files will be displayed.
And if you want the markers to be saved, save your data in AIFF-format.


This version (0.9) represents the current state of BamBam.
I won't be improving this program much, because there's another program
being developed (by me ;-) which can do a lot more than BamBam.

More info at my homepage: http://www.iae.nl/users/gertjan/be/index.html

If you have comments and/or suggestions, you're welcome to
send them to me:

gertjan@iae.nl (home)
gj@codim.nl (work)


Have fun, but remember: this is (still) not a finished product, so use it at
your own risk!

Latest Version

Details about this version:
(no information provided)

Intel (BeOS 5)     (119.2K)

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