Version 1.4.2
Submitted by: Wildman
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About Diner:
Diner is the first third party HTTP-server for the BeOS. It was written from the ground up and is a 100% native implementation, designed to support and use the BeOS' special features and capabilites.
In addition to standard features, such as support for virtual servers and multiple ports, it uses the BeOS AddOn interface to enable easy integration of custom built server extensions.
The enhanced InlineModuleInvocation system makes it trivial to host dynamic web pages with some simple lines of HTML.
Templates allow for fast on the fly convertion of any filetype into HTML. You can easily convert e.g. your people files on the fly or you can generate online directory listings.
With this flexible solution, the integration of PHP as an external service is a must. Our in house made port of PHP is shipped with diner.
Details about this version: (no information provided)
x86, BeOS (737.1K)