Version 0.51
Submitted by: Wildman
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About Create-A-Cursor:
Create A Cursor 0.51
What is it ?:
Create A Cursor is an application to create BeOS compatible cursors, the created cursor can be saved to a header file for developer use or saved to a file. The file can be either loaded directly in an application or added to a rsrc file.
How To Use:
On the left of the Window is where you modify the cursor's basic image, the left side of the Window is where you modify the cursor's mask. If you wanted a transparent cursor you can leave the mask unfilled. For a basic cursor you can fill in the cursor image shape required, then copy the image to mask using the ---> button and then fill in the basic shape in the mask as black. You can test the cursor by pressing the Test Cursor button. The Restore Cursor button will restore BeOS's hand cursor in an emergency or use the shortcut Alt-R.
ShortCuts And Buttons:
Right Mouse Click - Set Hotspot
Button <--- - Copy Mask to Cursor
Button ---> - Copy Cursor to Mask
Alt-R - restore cursor
Details about this version: (no information provided)
x86, BeOS (27.7K)